Tuesday, July 15, 2014


My new Creative HUB!

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted. Lots of great things have
been happening for me. I moved into a new place, started a new job, but best
of all I finally started the process of setting up my new home studio. It's obviously
under major construction, but give me a few weeks and you will be introduced to
a fabulous transformation. In the mean time check out some of my snapshots I took of
my new pride and joy. 

Old art from school

messy I know

I'm so excited about my NEW SPACE!

Okay, so look forward to my new up and coming post. I'm still in
major transition mode but feel free to leave me comments and I will
respond asap. Thanks guys. xoxo

- Coutureuh

P.S. Here is a photo I found on a fashion blog of myself and my hot partner
in style (Uyoata Udi) this past 4th of July on the JFK Parkway 2014--

Look out for him he's DOPE

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